World Vision - Gifts of Hope

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

【猫粮狗食】之 Scoop Snack Bar 郑和路分店

近闻Scoop Gelato Bar在郑和路(Colors那排店另一角,以前是Syok餐厅)设立了间店哦,刚才放工时去问了问,说是明天即将开张哟~期待ing!

有传说讲Hilton对面那间会关掉,因为要建Tune Hotel,不懂是不是真的捏~


Anonymous said...


Any news from your sis?
By the way, i haven't introduce myself, I am Siew Rong, your sister's secondary classmate, i visited your house many times.

猫子 said...

Oooooooo I knoe I knoe, my sis's die-gang ma, haha, long time no c!

Me sis very well, she's now promoted to mama class liaw, her baby girl Gwendolyn was born 13th May (yesterday) ^ ^

Anonymous said...

Your sister did tell me earlier that she'll deliver on 513, 8am morning.
That's why i am checking out with you lor..
By she's the one telling me your blog. Very thankful cos you've done very well in your blog, a lot of info for KCH-homesick ppl like me. Keep it up!!! Thumbs up!!

猫子 said...

Hah, thanks ^ ^ Many bloggers are doing greater jobs here in kch wo~

For example:
funny n d pics r great, worth a visit~